
See Microsoft API reference for MediaPlayerElement.

Media formats

Supported Formats iOS Android Wasm Skia GTK Skia Desktop Remarks
Local/Remote MP3 Support
Local/Remote MPEG4 Support
HLSv3 Support
HLSv4 Support
3GP Support 3GP with AMR Narrow Band (SAMR) audio codec does not work on iOS (See notes)
FLV Support -
MOV Support - - -
MKV Support -
AVI Support -
OGG Support - -
MPEG-Dash Support - - - -
Smooth Streaming Support - - - -


  • Uno's MediaPlayerElement relies on AVPlayer for iOS and AndroidMediaPlayer for Android. Please, refer to those native players documentation for more information about supported audio and video formats.
  • If you need to set source programmatically (i.e., using _mediaPlayerElement.Source = [source]), please note that only sources created with MediaSource.CreateFromUri() are currently supported.


Section Feature iOS Android Wasm Skia GTK Skia Desktop Remarks
MediaPlayerElement AutoPlay
Poster image Does not show when playing music
Enable/Disable MediaTransportControls
Stretch Stretch.None behave like Stretch.Fill on iOS
Pause media when headphones unplugged - -
TransportControls Transport controls custom style
Volume change
Show elapsed time
Show remaining time
Show/Hide MediaTransportControls automatically
MediaTransportControls compact mode
Show/Hide MediaTransportControls commands
Enable/Disable MediaTransportControls commands
Skip forward
Skip backward
Show buffering progress
Zoom mode
Full-screen mode
Playlists support - -
Change playback rate - -
Player controls on locked screen support - - - -
Subtitles support - - - -
Languages support - - - -



Add the following to your info.plist:


Note: Don't just copy/paste, but properly setup NSAppTransportSecurity as required by your project


Add the following to your AndroidManifest.xml

<!-- Required to play remote media -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<!-- Required to keep the screen on while playing -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />


Using the MediaPlayerElement on WebAssembly head requires adding the Uno.WinUI.MediaPlayer.WebAssembly package to the MyApp.Wasm project.


The Uno.WinUI.MediaPlayer.WebAssembly package version must use the same version as the other Uno.WinUI.* packages in your project.


When using UWP APIs and the Uno.UI.* packages, you'll need to install the Uno.UI.MediaPlayer.WebAssembly package instead.


Using the MediaPlayerElement on the Skia+GTK head requires adding the Uno.WinUI.MediaPlayer.Skia.Gtk package to the MyApp.Skia.Gtk project.


The Uno.WinUI.MediaPlayer.Skia.Gtk package version must use the same version as the other Uno.WinUI.* packages in your project.


When using UWP APIs and the Uno.UI.* packages, you'll need to install the Uno.UI.MediaPlayer.Skia.Gtk package instead.

Skia+GTK on Linux

The MediaPlayerElement support is based on libVLC, and needs the system to provide the appropriate libraries to work properly.

You'll need to install the following packages (Debian based distros):

sudo apt-get install libvlc-dev libx11-dev vlc libgtk2.0-0 libx11dev

Skia+GTK on Windows

Running the MediaPlayerElement requires adding the VideoLAN.LibVLC.Windows package to your application.

Future improvement

  • Support for Skia Desktop net9.0-desktop
  • React to audio focus changes (pause/stop playback or reduce audio volume)
  • Subtitles support
  • Languages support
  • Buffering of next playlist element when using MediaPlaybackList
  • Cast to device
  • Playlist for Wasm
  • Download option

Known issues

  • [iOS] Volume flyout does not display (Uno issue)
  • [All] Dynamic width/height not supported when playing audio
  • [All] Sometimes flickers during resizing when using dynamic width/height